I'm not sure why I didn't take a picture of all of the ingredients like I usually do but you need:
1/3 cup water
2 packets of unflavored gelatin
1 package of any flavor of gelatin
First pour the water in a small saucepan and sprinkle gelatin packets over the water.
While you're spooning the mixture into the molds, keep the saucepan tilted. The mixture starts to set up fast so you want to keep it pooled as much as possible, this also makes it easier to spoon out the mixture. I also noticed using the smallest saucepan in my set worked the best.
After about 20 minutes, you can remove the fruit snacks from the molds. Place the fruitsnacks on a piece of wax paper to let them finish setting up and dry. I also noticed the icetrays were harder to get the snacks out. I tried spraying 1 batch with a little cooking spray and it worked great! I was worried it would leave a grease film on the snacks, but it really didn't.
The thicker molds made the fruitsnacks sweat a little so they needed to sit awhile so they wouldn't stick to each other. Once in awhile, the bottom/wider end of the fruit snacks were still a little sticky and kept sticking to each other so I put a little powdered sugar on the sticky side while it set up and it wasn't sticky anymore and it didn't change the taste of the fruit snack at all. I will warn you, the grape flavored snacks make you crave grape KoolAid. When I first poured the grape gelatin in the water the smell made me want the KoolAid and then once these purple icecubed shaped snacks were sitting there, I REALLY wanted some grape KoolAid.
I made every flavor I had in my pantry and ran to the store for a couple more. Since I was hanging out with the family's fruitsnack expert yesterday, I put each flavor in a baggie and labeled them (there were 2 reds so I had to make sure I knew which was which) so she could decide which flavors to keep and which ones to leave out.
On the drive home, the expert and I had a meeting. We decided which flavors worked and which flavors didn't. Flavors to keep on hand at all times in case of any fruit snack emergencies are: Grape (need to get some grape KoolAid, too), Cherry, Strawberry and Orange. Flavors that weren't too bad were: Lime and Berry Blue. Flavors to not do again are: Lemon and Peach (Peach smelled awesome but there was no taste at all). The meeting was adjourned and she took a nap.
If you have any fruit snack questions for the expert, please leave a comment and I will be happy to consult her and get you an answer as quick as possible (as long as I can fit it into her busy schedule).